Prevalence of HIV infection in 2011 was more than ten fold higher (3.8%) among men who have sex with men (MSM) than in the general population (0.33%) in Nepal. This study aimed to explore sexual behaviors, and social and demographic characteristics of MSM in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. A ...
Nepal, Atrahasis, a banana, APA, Nadab, a hallan, Elgar, a lamia, Daktyl, an anaspid, Nemery, Issie, Griz, an ass, Amalea, Cimbura, Agna, Tatius, a summa, WAAC, Mysore, Cicenia, Labe, Oly, Ertha, Kalahari, Kufa, Damas, a matador, Pahari, Dasehra, LCF, Alnico, Tiphani,...
Versions Notes Abstract The Hanjiang River is one of the major tributaries of the Yangtze River, and the Hanjiang River Basin serves as an important link connecting the western and eastern regions of China. As a significant tourist destination, the development of the tourism industry in the Hanjia...
Versions Notes Abstract Rhinoceros are among the largest and most endangered herbivores in the world. Three of the five extant species are critically endangered, with poaching and habitat loss contributing heavily to declines. The gut microbiome is an essential facet of host health and digestion, med...
Versions Notes Abstract Pre- and post-migration stressors can put resettled refugee children at risk of poor mental health outcomes. The Family Strengthening Intervention for Refugees (FSI-R) is a peer-delivered preventative home visiting program for resettled refugees that aims to draw upon familie...
Aggregate Category Agricultural land Forested areas Other areas Basic Category Notes, Explanation Arable land Permanent cultures Vineyards, hop-gardens, orchards, and gardens Permanent grasslands Meadows and pastures Forested areas Spruce, pine, beech, oak, etc. Water areas Built-up areas Remaining areas...
Therefore, the argument that dams create negative impacts seems to be extreme and disregards many benefits gained by communities in many countries, such as, Nepal, Turkey, and other areas [23,29]. The debate over large-dams' socioeconomic impact is becoming ever more polarized especially in ...