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Lofi Girl 络菲|Medieval lofi 中世纪风格🏰「学习/工作/放松/YouTube热门合集/playlist/chill」|Lo-Fi低保真 49.0万 533 01:00:07 App 【在海边小屋里一个人安静的看书学习】吹着海风静下心学习1小时吧!翻书声|海风|夏日|海鸥叫|治愈向|安眠向|手书|白噪音自习室| 23.5万 71 02:13:32 App 【Lofi...
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Lofi Study - Calm Peaceful Chill HopFASSounds 0:00 2:27 Lofi, Chill, Calm music. Free for use. 137 comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments LofiChillCalmPeacefulBeatCarefreeContemplativeCoolCozyEasyFashionGentleInstagramJazzyLaid BackLo-fiLoop...
study music, focus music, relaxing music, instrumental background music, how to focus better, how to relax
I will create 33x1 hour meditation, relaxing music videos for youtube channel FromUS$10 N Nevel I will mix or produce lofi music projects FromUS$25 O Orlando Perez I will produce ambient meditation background music FromUS$20 A Allen Antony ...
YouTube Content ID registered by AdRev What’s YouTube Content ID? Description Lofi Study is an ideal royalty free audio track for any project that requires an ambient, anime and autumn audio tune. Item Tags ambient anime autumn boombap chill chillHop electric guitar fall film happy hip hop...
Morning Routine [Lofi Study Music] Ghostrifter Official117.9KThis track is free to use if you credit the artist BeatsMorningWaitingJazz 02:00 This track is free to use even commercially (like YouTube monetization), but you must include the following credits in your video's description (Copy ...