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Functions, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest (1972), pp. 145-150 Google Scholar [ErFe] P Erdös, E Feldheim Sur le mode de convergence pour l'interpolation de Lagrange C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 203 (1936), pp. 913-915 Google Scholar [ErFr] P Erdös, G Freud On polynomials with ...
If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creative...
HL aggregated, managed and quality checked the medical discharge summary notes; carried out the AI model fitting, summarized the results, and wrote sections of the manuscript. LE reviewed and analyzed the results. CR analyzed the data, interpreted the results, wrote sections of the manuscript, and...
This behavior, and the material fragility that results, closely resemble the dynamical slowdown in fragile supercooled liquids with decreasing temperature, and are typically ascribed to the increasing sizes of distinct dynamical heterogeneities in the sample. In this article, we characterize the dynamical...
Additional material of tools used are provided.Abbreviations MH: Menstrual health WASH: Water sanitation and hygiene UTI: Urinary tract infects RTI: Reproductive tract infects MoBSE: Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education LBS: Lowe basic school BCS: Basic cycle school UBS: Upper ...
It has been reported that Co3Sn2S2 is a weakly itinerant ferromagnetic material at room temperature (less than Co elemental magnetic moment 0.6 μB/Co) and undergoes second order transition as observed from the specific heat measurements.[63] When Berry curvature at isolated bulk Weyl nodes move...
The Canadian Study of Prediction of Death, Dialysis and Interim Cardiovascular Events (CanPREDDICT) is a large, prospective, pan-Canadian, cohort study designed to improve our understanding of determinants of renal and cardiovascular (CV) disease progression in patients with chronic kidney disease (CK...
Prior to initiating a continuous daily treatment cycle, the first 5 patients participated in a single dose PK treatment period with a 7-day washout in order to determine the terminal-phase half-life (t1/2) of CYH33 and its active metabolite I27. Based on the single dose PK data for CYH...
(inhibitors or agonists), but, in order to fully explore the biology of these proteins, they really needed to work with experts in biology of diseases—outside the company. They did that through individual material transfer agreements with each institution; it was a case-by-case, time-...