Carl Jung developed Analytical Psychology or Jungian Psychology. He helped Sigmund Freud create psychoanalytic psychology. He also developed the collective consciousness theory, as well as the theory of personality. What did Carl Jung do for psychology? Carl Jung's work continues to be relevant to ...
doi:10.1016/0022-3999(80)90076-8Heinz WolffElsevier Inc.Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Learn the definition of dream analysis and compare and contrast the Freudian dream analysis with the Jungian dream analysis. Explore what dream...
Jungian Psychology: Terms and Concepts, Including the Relationship with Freud 123456789101120261-50 of 1294 This university on Docsity All the materials on this page are produced by students, therefore the authorship of these documents is not attributable to the University, with which there is no co...
This multidisciplinary hermeneutic study used a lens shaped by the Jungian branch of depth psychology, business, and law to interpret and analyze family business advisory texts in order to identify the archetypes active in family busines...
& Levy, N. Studies of Jungian typology. I. Memory, social perception, and social action. J. Pers. 41, 559–576 (1973). 64 Cuttler, C. & Graf, P. Personality predicts prospective memory task performance: an adult lifespan study. Scand. J. Psychol. 48, 215–231 (2007). 65 Prinzie...
psychologybiblereligionThe SIFT method of biblical hermeneutics and liturgical preaching has its roots in Jungian psychological type theory and maintains that the reading and interpretation of text is shaped by individual preferences within the perceiving process (sensing and intuition) and within the ...
Archetypal imagery among hospice workers during encounters with death: A hermeneutic case study in Jungian psychologyDeArmond, Isabelle Marguerite
In Jungian theory, each of the various parts of the human psyche is separate and individual, functioning independently of the rest. Parts of the Psyche The Freudian model divides the psyche into levels of awareness: the conscious the preconscious the unconscious The three parts of the human psych...
It is a self-development approach to creative development, underpinned by the Jungian outlook. Progoff passed away in 1977. His son John, now the executive director of Dialogue House, believes that the practice of journaling is a very helpful technique for getting a perspective on our life: ...