英['stʌdi] n.学习;研究;功课;课业 v.学习;攻读;审视;端详 网络书房;练习曲;读书 复数:studies过去式:studied现在分词:studying 搭配 同义词 反义词 adj.+n. preliminary study,experimental study,initial study,comprehensive study,study hard v.+n. ...
Job 3:1-3reveals the intensity of Job's suffering as he curses the day of his birth, saying, May the day of my birth perish, and the night it was said, ‘A boy is conceived.’ This highlights the depth of his anguish and the extent of his emotional turmoil. The Lament of Existenc...
It’s a pretty easy job, but one with lots of downtime, which means you will have plenty of time to catch up on reading, do homework or study for an exam. 出自-2016年12月听力原文 If you are a college student looking for work but worry you won’t have enough time to devote to ...
3. 热爱医药研发行业,诚实守信,具有较强的责任感; 4. 快速学习能力和适应能力,专业知识和理论功底扎实; 5. 较好的分析能力、沟通协调能力和团队合作精神,有领导力; 6. 良好的英语听、说、读、写能力; 王女士刚刚活跃 康龙化成·招聘经理/主管 竞争力分析 ...
雅思口语常常必考学习&工作(Study& Work), 而且往往是第一个话题,因此小编特地准备了与之相关的串题答案,其中很多搭配跟词汇都能用上哦,如be not my strong suit ( ……不是我的强项),have great career prospects(非常好的职业前景, a dead-end job(特别低收入、没前景、没发展的工作)等等。
Would you opt for further study abroad or a well - paid job? 要是有机会出国留学,或有一份高工资的工作等着你,你会选择什么 呢 ? 来自互联网 9. Currently, they are performing further study on these fossils. 目前, 他们正在对这批化石作进一步研究. 来自互联网 10. We will be video recording ...
Congratulations on graduating and getting a great job right out of school, Gabriel! Doing a 3 month beginner schedule followed by a 3 month advanced schedule is definitely one route you could go. You could also probably go for our 6 month intermediate schedule, followed by the 3 month advance...
24.Increase your international job prospects While you can always go home at the end of your time as an international student, many choose to stay put and apply for a working visa. Even if you return home or decide to seek work elsewhere, the international experience provided by studying abr...
the company can identify the most appropriate tool for the job. dell is a prime example of social business changing the way work gets done. the company’s ideastorm platform is one of several initiatives where social business drives the way the company operates. in essence, ideastorm is a ...
英['stʌdi] n.学习;研究;功课;课业 v.学习;攻读;审视;端详 网络书房;练习曲;读书 复数:studies过去式:studied现在分词:studying 搭配 同义词 反义词 adj.+n. preliminary study,experimental study,initial study,comprehensive study,study hard v.+n. ...