STAINLESS steelThe advancement of nanotechnology has had an impact on the use of heat exchangers. Nanocoolants, which offer higher thermal efficiency than traditional coolants, have paid significant attention. These innovative fluids, which contain nanomaterials, not only have better ...
In order to study the seismic performance of the steel-concrete composite beam to concrete-filled steel tubular column joints,this paper analyzed the hysteretic capacity of two experimental joints based on the experimental results and the simulation of the both joints under low cyclic loads.The autho...
ResearchGate 相似文献Study on Concrete Filled Steel Structures for Nuclear Power Plants : Part.2 Compressive Loading Tests on Wall Members The problem of surface steel plate buckling is encountered in concrete filled steel structures (...
Polymer coatings on steel substrates were analyzed by reflectance/absorbance infrared spectroscopy. Initial studies were performed ex-situ on samples which had been cured at a variety of temperatures on two different substrates. Further studies were done in-situ under both air and nitrogen atmospheres....
BEHAVIOUR OF HOT AND COLD ROLLED FE-MN (TWIP) STEEL Ferromanganese TWIP steels with the manganese content of 17-20 % are fully austenitic and non-magnetic, without phase transformation. Due to the application of the twinning mechanism the TWIP steels can satisfy numerous technical require... J...
JG Wilson,RL Brent - 《American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology》 被引量: 29发表: 1981年 Periconceptional multivitamin use in relation to the risk of congenital urinary tract anomalies. The authors conducted a case-control study of the relation of OC use after conception to the occurrence ...
Details of steel plate and load ing ame connection ( 1) 内嵌钢板 所有试件 内嵌 钢板为 Q235B 级钢 ,实 测抗 拉强 度为256 MPa。所有 试件 的 内嵌钢板 与耳 板 间均采 用间距 70 mm 的 8.8 级 M20 高强 螺栓连接 ,螺栓 预 拉力 为 210 kN。所有 钢板 自由边 均焊 接 2 L 50...
Gel-melting temperature T~ was measured by the falling-ball method 17 using a steel ball of ca. 30 mg weight with 2 mm diameter. In case of 30 mg weight steel ball, effect of the weight of steel ball on T~ was eliminated. A gel was heated from - 40°C at a rate of ca. 0.3...
One stone (≥1.0 cm diameter) from each patient was quadrisected with a fresh, sterile, disposable steel blade. Interior stone material was then loosened with a fresh surgical blade. DNA was extracted from the inner halves of the gallstones, with blades changed between scrapings. Inert materi...
Keywords:concretefilledsteeltubularcolumn;compression-flexure—torsion;combinedaction;force-displacement mixedcontrol;quasi.statictest:mechanicalbehavior 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51078206),清华大学自主科研计划项目(20101081766)。 作者简介:聂建国(1958一 ),男,湖南衡阳人,7-学博士,教授。E-mail:niejg@mail.ts...