参4:7-12。用信心的眼睛来看,现今的苦楚显得怎样,而到末了又可以见到所期望的什么事物呢?参4:13-18。 保罗在5:1-4里面把将来希望的一方面阐释得更加适切。死后有什么在等着他呢?或者,如果基督会先来,正如保罗所盼望的(4节),在祂来时,有什么在等着他呢?保罗怎样却只这种希望不是幻想,而它对于他目前的目...
2 Corinthians 4:7~5:10 神为什么把4:6所说的「宝贝」放在一个软弱的器皿——就是放在人的脆弱人性的瓦器里呢?这种安排怎样在实际的经验中见诸于实施呢?参4:7-12。用信心的眼睛来看,现今的苦楚显得怎样,而到末了又可以见到所期望的什么事物呢?参4:13-18。 保罗在5:1-4里面把将来希望的一方面阐释得更加...
Study 1 2 Corinthians 1:1-11-哥林多后书-研经日课 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 保罗在惯例的问安和介绍之后,便以颂赞之词作为他这封书信的开端。保罗特别因神本性的哪些方面而颂赞祂呢?你认为在这卷书信中为什么要特地将它们挑选出来呢?我们从保罗作基督徒的经验中,关于他个人与神的关系上,能学到任何新的功课吗...
2 你们就是我们的荐信,写在我们的心里,被众人所知道所念诵的。 3 你们明显是基督的信,藉着我们修成的。不是用墨写的,乃是用永生神的灵写的;不是写在石版上,乃是写在心版上。 4 我们因基督,所以在神面前才有这样的信心。 5 并不是我们凭自己能承担甚麽事;我们所能承担的,乃是出於...
2 I beg of you that when I am present I may not have to show boldness with such confidence as I count on showing against some who suspect us of acting in worldly fashion. 3 For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, 4 for the we...
A THREAD THAT CONNECTS A GOOD PORTION OF THE PAULINE TEXTS IN THE lectionary for Epiphany, Lent, and Holy Week is the theme of confessing Jesus as Lord. In... DE Fredrickson 被引量: 0发表: 1998年 2 Corinthians: A 12-Week Study A THREAD THAT CONNECTS A GOOD PORTION OF THE PAULINE TE...
Macarthur Bible Study: 2 CorinthiansJohn MacArthur
2你们的心要容得下我们。我们没有亏负过谁,没有损害过谁,也没有占过谁的便宜。3我这样说,不是要定你们的罪,因为我从前说过,你们常在我们心里,甚至可以同生共死。4我对你们大有信心,因你们而感到十分光荣;我心里满有安慰,在我们的一切患难中,格外充满喜乐。 5我们从前到了马其顿的时候...
Learning Objective: To understand the intention God has for you in the search for your Altruistic Self. Scriptures: Genesis 1:1| 2nd Corinthians 4:6 | Genesis 1:28| Philippians 2:14-16| Luke 6:31| Acts 20:35 | Matthew 5 Prayer: Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, I come to you in than...
2 Corinthians 9:4 In-Context 2For I know how eager you are to help, and I have been boasting to the churches in Macedonia that you in Greece were ready to send an offering a year ago. In fact, it was your enthusiasm that stirred up many of the Macedonian believers to begin giving....