并要借給人不指望償還。你們的賞賜就必大了,你們也必作至高者的兒子,因為他恩待那忘恩的和作惡的。”【路加福音 6:35】所以,“他的恩慈是領你悔改”【羅馬書 2:4b】但是,不要與罪人過于親近,因為,“濫交是敗壞善行”【哥林多前書 15:33b】饒恕是恩慈的一個應用。
恩慈是出于比如耶稣在登山宝训里所说的那种态度:“你们倒要爱仇敌,也要善待他们,并要借给人不指望偿还。你们的赏赐就必大了,你们也必作至高者的儿子,因为他恩待那忘恩的和作恶的。”【路加福音 6:35】所以,“他的恩慈是领你悔改”【罗马书 2:4b】但是,不要与罪人过于亲近,因为,“滥交是败坏善行”【哥林...
because he is a most free and munificent giver: he gives his grace, and bestows his gifts severally, as he pleases, and liberally, and upbraids not; and because he is freely given of God; his graces are freely given, as faith, hope, love and because he frees them ...
不可在你前面吹號,像那假冒為善的人,在會堂裏和街道上所行的,故意要得人的榮耀。我實在告訴你們,他們已經得了他們的賞賜。你施舍的時候,不要叫左手知道右手所作的。要叫你施舍的事行在暗中,你父在暗中察看,必然報答你(有古卷作“必在明處報答你”)。”【馬太福音 6:2-4】但別人的敬重在進行可嘉的事奉...
7:2 但要免淫亂的事, 男子當各有自己的妻子, 女子也當各有自己的丈夫。 7:3 丈夫當用合宜之分待妻子, 妻子待丈夫也要如此。 7:4 妻子沒有權柄主張自己的身子,乃在丈夫﹔ 丈夫也沒有權柄主張自己的身子,乃在妻子。 7:5 夫妻不可彼此虧負,除非兩相情愿, 暫時分房,為要專心禱告方可。以後仍要同房, 免...
In 1 Cor. 11:17–18, Two phrases stick out in this passage: 1) “when you come together” in verse seventeen, and 2) “when you come together as a church” in verse eighteen. The phrases “coming together” (1 Corinthians 11:20) and “same place” are most often to be understood...
Bible verse that talks about temptation I Corinthians 10:13 True/False: no temptation/trial is unique. True Knowing that no temptation unique, others have gone through it too gives the c___ and c___ hope. counselee, counselor Is it possible that there is a temptation that is so strong ...
1 Corinthians(15 lessons) 2 Corinthians(11 lessons) Acts I: The Early Church: Acts 1-12 (9 lessons) Acts II: Apostle Paul: Passionate Discipleship (Acts 13-28; 11 lessons) Christ Powered Life (Rom 5-8) (8 week study) Hebrews(13 week series) ...
EpistlesRomans|1 Corinthians|2 Corinthians|Galatians|Ephesians|Philippians|Colossians|1&2 Thessalonians|1&2 Timothy|Titus & Philemon|Hebrews|James|1&2 Peter|1,2,3 John|Jude Revelation, etc.Revelation Whole Bible:Pattern/summary chart;Finding verses ...
II Corinthians 2:10 Ephesians 4:26, 27 Amos 1:10, 11 Download Chapter Eight: Held Hostage by the Incubation of Anger Free Yourself to Love Chapter Nine: Forgiveness Tool of Praying Blessings on the Offender Video 7(time 5:47)– Stuck Because Offender Didn’t Say “I Am Sorry”. ...