无论如何,那些由神生的是安全的,那恶者也就无法害他们,虽然世上其他的人还受那恶者的管辖,正如约翰在前面说的那样:“因为凡从神生的就胜过世界;”【约翰一书 5:4a】“害”译自希腊文“απτομαι”是触碰,把自己绑在其上,粘住,缠住的意思。也就是说撒但虽然不时地来触碰我们,但他无法抓住我们。所...
5:6这借着水和血而来的,就是耶稣基督。 不是单用水,乃是用水又用血。 5:7 5:8作见证的原来有三: 就是圣灵、水与血;这三样也都归于一。 5:9我们既领受人的见证,神的见证更该领受了(“该领受”原文作“大”), 因神的见证是为他儿子作的。 5:10信神儿子的,就有这见证在他心里。 不信神的,就...
Study Guide Q & A Essays Lesson Plan E-Text The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald Death of a SalesmanArthur Miller Animal FarmGeorge Orwell The Book ThiefMarkus Zusak The Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne The Dark Child (The African Child)Camara Laye ...
Read Steve’s many articles about the Bible and Bible Study by clickinghere. Steve is hoping to eventually write Study Guides on each of the New Testament books. The first one published is “St. John’s Gospel: A Bible Study Guide and Commentary“. You can order it at ourOnline Bookstor...
1. 2023-24 Study Guide(Gamma Set)美洲部分考察重点: 1. 2023-24 Study Guide(Gamma Set)美洲部分考试重点: U.S. History 美国历史 1.Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973) acceded to the presidency upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy (1917-1963). ...
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This guide has been cross-posted on Free Code Camp. Grab is Southeast Asia (SEA)'s leading transportation platform and our mission is to drive SEA forward, leveraging on the latest technology and the talented people we have in the company. As of May 2017, we handle 2.3 million rides daily...
there are three English proficiency tests: the IELTS, TOEFL, and PT. Colleges will require one of these tests, and to help international students understand the similarities and differences we've created this guide, which breakdowns the IELTS, TOEFL, and PT and provides advice on preparing and ...
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