Participants in the FGDs employed a template (Supplementary file 3) within sub-groups to collaboratively interrogate the accuracy of drafted persona profiles, ensuring their representation aligned with the likely user types of the proposed digital platform, while also providing valuable suggestions for ...
Example: Olga es una simpática persona. (Olga is a nice person.) Translate into English: antipático (ahn-tee-pah-tee-coh) / antipática (ahn-tee-pah-tee-coh) mean Example: John es antipático a su hermano. (John is mean to his brother.) Translate into English: amable (ah·ma...
Percepción de la vejez y la persona adulta mayor en niños del sur de México. Index de Enfermería. 2021;30:34–8. Google Scholar Kirk M, Rasmussen KW, Overgaard SB, Berntsen D. Five weeks of immersive reminiscence therapy improves autobiographical memory in Alzheimer’s disease. ...
Patients are recruited via Pro Persona mental health care (four locations: Arnhem, Ede, Nijmegen, Tiel), the Radboud University Medical Center (Nijmegen), and GGNet Network for mental health care (location Zutphen). If patients are eligible for participation, the therapists approach them for the...
, Ernesto Perez-Persona , Iñigo Olazabal , Itziar Oiartzabal , Carlos Panizo , Felipe Prosper , Jesus F. San Miguel & Paula Rodriguez-Otero Contributions EMS, LETA, and BP were responsible for the study conception and design. EMS, LETA, C. Guerrero, A. Zherniakova, A. Zabaleta, CM,...
Ernesto Perez-Persona Hospital Universitario de Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain Iñigo Olazabal & Carlos Panizo Hospital Universitario de Cruces, Bilbao, Spain Itziar Oiartzabal Consortia the Asociación Vasco-Navarra de Hematología y Hemoterapia (ASOVASNA) cooperative group ...
Beck AT, Steer RA. Manual for the Beck scale for suicide ideation. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation; 1991. Google Scholar van Spijker BA, van Straten A, Kerkhof AJ. Effectiveness of online self-help for suicidal thoughts: results of a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One. ...
In fact, this finding is closely related to the subcategory of persona- lized designing of e-learning environment. Evaluation Evaluation is one of the most important stages in any educational system. Learners' evaluation shows the rate of their access to goals. Program evaluation is performed to...
It is also the capacity to exercise the various fundamental aspects of one's own persona: one’s profession, culture, traditions, etc. Fairness instead equates with equal treatment of individuals, institutions, and communities, avoiding bias grounded on personal preferences or inclinations, ...
limited E ng li sh R A wri tin g sk ills ,oft en p erc eive themselves as “doub ly outs id ers’’in disc iplinary c ommun ities (Pri nce,Blicblau,& Soesaty o,1 999).Most empiri cal stu dies emphasize their poor English use as a barrier to ...