apart from Case study 2 and Case study 3 quoted in the Audit Report, the Treasury had not so far noticed any cases where a guaranteed loan was granted before the date of the Treasury’s notification of the result of application. legco.gov.hk 除 審計署署長報告書所引述的個案2及個案3 外...
Example of cases for a multiple case study: Netflix in India and Google in China:Governmental Policy and Its Implications for Multinational Corporations. Example of an issue for an intrinsic case study: The Development Issues of Multinational Corporations on Foreign Markets. 2、Determine the type of...
Thank ymu very much. I appreciate your big heip !!!
case study n the act or an instance of analysing one or more particular cases or case histories with a view to making generalizations Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, ...
Example of a case for a single instrumental case study: Netflix in India:Governmental Policy and Its Implications for Multinational Corporations. Example of cases for a multiple case study: Netflix in India and Google in China:Governmental Policy and Its Implications for Multinational Corporations. ...
of the existing problematic, story and typical education cases, and education cases are the result of this kind of rational analysis; cases are the expression of the results of case studies, of course, education cases are the presentation of the results of case studies on education cases. ...
61). Case studies of particular communities or places are a common and classical mode of analysis in anthropology, human geography, and sociology. Comparative analysis, in contrast, explores similarities revealed in different situations or cases sharing some common element(s) while differing in others...
17.Trust Fund on Cases Studies for Operational Activities for Development发展业务活动个案研究信托基金 18.a booklet on successful gender case studies;有关成功的性别个案研究小册子; 相关短句/例句 a case study个案研究 3)case study个案研究法 1.The reason is that our researchers know very little about...
apartfromCase study2andCase study3quoted in the Audit Report, the Treasury had not so far noticed any cases where a guaranteed loan was granted before the date of the Treasury’s notification of the result of application. legco.gov.hk ...
A Case Study of Case Studies: Writing Choose‐your‐own‐experiment Cases and Avoiding Common Pitfalls that Decrease Case Study UseCase studies are excellent learning tools and, across multiple online collections, case studies are actually quite numerous. Why then do many instructors who are aware ...