Our solutions in nuclear power reduce both risks and costs for nuclear facilities and for the radioactive waste.
Studsvik Scandpower, Inc. Newton, MA, USAA new ENDF/B-VII gamma library for 214 nuclides/materials in 18 gamma/70 neutron energy groups has been built for inclusion with the CASMO-5 lattice physics code. The methodology for developing this library uses ...
.studsvikscandpower 利用最新的ENDF/B-VII数据, Studsvik为CASMO-5开发了586群的 高精细中子截面数据库,与以往版本 的CASMO所带数据库相比,精度大大 提高,并减少了对共振近似处理的依 赖。 CASMO-5还包括一个改进的18 群γ光子库,以供对γ射线敏感的堆 ...
美国批准Studsvik的燃料软件 [据国际核工程网站2017年11月1日报道]美国核监管委员会(NRC)颁发了Studsvik Scandpower公司核心管理系统5(CMS5)的通用许可证,使美国电力公司更容易使用。压水堆运营商可以用CMS5软件设计核燃料和反应堆堆芯装料。它还可以作为基础代码,用于分析和规划核燃料循环的各个方面。通用许可证按NR...
Studsvik Scandpower has established its core monitoring system GARDEL as an advanced and reliable solution for PWR and BWR plants of different designs seeking high accuracy, availability, simplicity and powerful core...
Core MonitoringPWRBWRcore analysisoperational supportStudsvik Scandpower has established its core monitoring system GARDEL as an advanced and reliable solution for PWR and BWR plants of different designs seeking high accuracy, availability, simplicity and powerful core analysis and operational support tools....
Studsvik Scandpower AB, Stendsavdgen 34, Varberg, Sweden;Studsvik Scandpower Inc, 504 Shoup Avenue, Suite 201, Idaho Falls, ID 83402, USA;RinghalsAB (Vattenfall), 432 85 Varobacka, Sweden;LWR fuel performance meeting/Top fuel/WRFPM 2010: LWR fuel performance meeting/Top fuel/WRFPM 2010, ...
[据国际核工程网站2017年11月1日报道]美国核监管委员会(NRC)颁发了Studsvik Scandpower公司核心管理系统5(CMS5)的通用许可证,使美国电力公司更容易使用。压水堆运营商可以用CMS5软件设计核燃料和反应堆堆芯装料。它还可以作为基础代码,用于分析和规划核燃料循环的各个方面。通用许可证按NRC分类作为“普遍认可的方法...
SIMULATE-5 is Studsvik's next generation nodal code which has been developed along with CASMO-5, Studsvik's next generation lattice physics code, to address the deficiencies of existing reactor physics tools for toda...