Our solutions in nuclear power reduce both risks and costs for nuclear facilities and for the radioactive waste.
Since 1975 a series of internationally sponsored fuel irradiation research projects have been and are being conducted at Studsvik, Sweden, under the management of Studsvik Energiteknik AB. The sponsoring parties comprise fuel vendors, nuclear power utilities, national research organizations and, in some...
Aqueous leaching of ADOPT and standard UO2 spent nuclear fuel under H2 atmosphere Leaching results to compare the dissolution behavior of a new type of fuel with additives (Advanced Doped Pellet Technology, ADOPT) with standard UO 2 fuel... AB Fidalgo,O Roth,A Puranen,... - 《Mrs Advances...
Studsvik Radwaste AB in Sweden has been melting contaminated metal scrap from the nuclear industry since 1987. Some 3500 tons of carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, and aluminum has been melted. At the melting facility, the scrap is segmented and melted in about 3-ton lots and the nuclide...
The information exchange meeting was held on the basis of the implemental agreement between the Studsvik AB and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for cooperation in nuclear energy research and development. The major items of the information exchange were the p...
This paper shows that signal processing of thermocouple signals can be used to obtain rather accurate values of the flow rate in BOCA.doi:10.1016/S0149-1970(03)00037-4J. K.-H. KarlssonStudsvik Nuclear ABM. MorenB. JonssonH. TomaniB.-G. BergdahlElsevier LtdProgress in Nuclear Energy...
The article reports on the purchase of one of the most advanced transportable high force compactors by Studsvik AB, a leading company in the nuclear industry in Great Britain. It notes the need for innovative solutions to achieve volume reduction and waste minimisation and high force compaction of...
The article reports on the agreement signed between specialist freezing technology organisations FriGeo AB of Sweden, Studsvik UK Ltd. and the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) of Great Britain to develop the application of specialist freezing in the nuclear sites of the U.S. and Great Britain....
The present article presents the equipment and technique used at Studsvik for measuring half-lives of nuclear excited states using the delayed coincidence method. The experimental set up includes an electron-electron coincidence spectrometer and a fast pneumatic rabbit system attached to the high flux ...
Studsvik Radwaste AB in Sweden has been melting contaminated metal scrap from the nuclear industry since 1987. Some 3500 tons of carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, and aluminum has been melted. At the melting facility, the scrap is segmented and melted in about 3-ton lots and the nuclide...