Learn about Studiosity+for your students Evidence-based AI, trusted by more universities. "Improved analytical rigour and academic integrity... a pedagogically viable tool offering long-term learning opportunities." "This is indicative of a learning opportunity which will help the students in the long...
With your hosts, and Studiosity Academic Advisory Board Members, Prof Judyth Sachs, Dr Noreen Golfman, Prof Petra Wend, Prof Sally Kift, Prof Cliff Allan, and the esteemed and greatly missed, Sir Eric Thomas.What do you need to know? Let us help: My first name is My last name is ...
Learn about Studiosity+for your students Tune in with education leaders toReimagine Higher Education. Now in its fifth year, our podcast invites HE leaders to share their stories with fellow leaders as hosts - reflecting on progress in teaching, learning, and the student experience, while discussi...
About Studiosity 20 years in education, 200 partners, 2 million students, 1 leading platform. Studiosity is AI for Learning, not corrections. Universities partner with Studiosity to support student success at scale, with a 4.4x return as retention, protecting integrity and reducing risk. ...
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“When I use Studiosity, I get better marks, better grades. I also access the mobile app, which I can access on my phone, or laptop, or iPad, whether at dinner or on the train. Studiosity is so accessible to use that it makes studying easier for me.” - Student at Macquarie Univers...
How it works New to Studiosity? Some useful things to know about how our service works. By Sophia and 1 other8 articles Technical and account enquiries Having trouble accessing the service, or need to update your account? By Sophia and 3 others14 articles studiosity.com/access...