Studio TourinUniversal Studios Hollywood- Upper Lot Explore Interactive Map Park Hours Open Today | 10 am-6 pm All Park Hours RIDES AND ATTRACTIONS Admission Included with Your Theme Park Ticket or Annual/Season Pass (blackout dates apply) ...
Want to Tour the world’s biggest film and television studios and go behind-the-scenes? Visit us to find featured and the most recent, including iconic Universal, Paramount, Sony and Warner Bros Studio Tours. Enjoy insider access and see the magic come t
I hope you enjoy your stay here at Universal Studios Hollywood. Don’t forget to explore the other studios that this website now covers too. Jon Coming soon:A new section about the current 60th Anniversary of the Studio Tour celebrations ...
At Universal Studios Hollywood, go behind the scenes of films, and experience the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Plan your visit today.
Universal Studios Hollywood Reissues Iconic Glamor Trams as World-Renowned Studio Tour Celebrates a Milestone 60 Years with New and Nostalgic Enhancements
The entrance to the Studio Tour is on the Upper Lot of Universal Studios Hollywood. Make a right at The Simpsons cross section and the dedicated escalators take guests down to the queue for the trams. If you want shorter lines, go earlier in the day. That's the best time to get on ...
Universal Studios•Hollywood这次去环球影城简直像在马里奥的世界里畅游了一番!虽然在大阪的USJ连马里奥餐厅的门都没能进去,但在洛杉矶的环球影城,我终于实现了在马里奥餐厅用餐的梦想🍄。原来蘑菇汤碗是可以带走的,真是后知后觉啊😅。环球影城真的很有趣,不过闭园时间有点早,下午三点才进去,七点就闭园了,真...
“The Studio Tour paved the way for the development of Universal Studios Hollywood,” said Scott Strobl, executive vice president and general manager of Universal Studios Hollywood. “It’s a crown jewel in our theme park portfolio and a beloved attraction for millions of guests. We’re thrilled...
【侨报网讯】美国洛杉矶地方当局和环球影城公司表示,上周六(20日)晚在位于洛杉矶市中心西北方向约10英里的好莱坞环球影城(Universal Studios Hollywood),一辆有轨游览车撞上栏杆,造成十几人受伤,其中大部分为轻伤。美联社报道,洛杉矶县消防局(LACoFD)在社交媒体上发帖称,上周六晚9时许,该机构对好莱坞环球影城游览车事故...
Gray Line Bus Tours have Universal International Studios part of their Hollywood tour, along with movie star homes and other Hollywood landmarks such as Will Rogers home and Disney Studios. The bus travelled around the backlot, seeing Colonial Street, Courthouse Square, the Tower of London set,...