接下来是本文上一次更新的内容,大家根据自己的需要自行阅读。 Studio series系列,简称ss系列,通常译为电影工作室系列,是孩之宝官方于2018年开始发售的一个全新系列,是超级大合集G世代系列的子系列,推荐年龄8+。这个系列旨在推出所有电影中出现过的变形金刚,亮点有二: 其一是超高还原度。得益于已有的变形金刚电影早已悉...
SS99 圈套 V级 ROTB 推荐指数:★★★ 新模具中非常优秀的一款玩具,对电影形象的还原总体上没问题。当然啦,电影里的圈套看上去要健壮不少,但是SS99身上该有的细节都做到位了,所以稍微瘦一点我觉得能容忍。尤其,瘦高个子大长腿是“大西美型”的显著特点(设计师大西裕弥设计的玩具都有这个倾向,比如SS32擎天柱、传...
Studio series系列,简称ss系列,通常译为电影工作室系列,是孩之宝 官方于2018年开始发售的一个全新系列,是超级大合集G世代系列的子系列,推荐年龄8+。这个系列旨在推出所有电影中出现过的变形金刚 ,亮点有二: 其一是超高还原度。得益于已有的变形金刚电影早已悉数下映,玩具设计师再也不必受制于形象保密等枷锁,获得了完...
变形金刚Studio Series系列玩具入手指南 创作立场声明:变形金刚玩具购买指南 勘误:SS35和36顺序反了,望周知。 Studio series系列,简称ss系列,通常译为电影工作室系列,是孩之宝官方于2018年开始发售的一个全新系列,是超级大合集G世代系列的子系列,推荐年龄8+。这个系列旨在推出所有电影中出现过的变形金刚,亮点有二: 其...
Azure SQL Migration Extension Premium series memory optimized SQL MI SKUs included in recommendations. Connection Migrated Azure authentication library from ADAL to MSAL. MSAL is the library used by default starting with release 1.41. However, if you encounter issues, you can change back to ADAL wit...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-series, Titan RTX or NVIDIA RTX A-Series The fastest GPUs on the planet. With hundreds of applications now accelerated for the GPU, the GPU is the engine of your system. Get faster video processing, artificial intelligence, and rendering so you can focus on ideas inste...
NVIDIA Kepler (600 and 700 series) GPUs are no longer supported for NVENC. Note NVIDIA users may need to update their GPU drivers to 551.76 (Windows) / 550.54.14 (Linux) or newer. Important The code signing certificate for OBS has been updated. This may impact game capture compatibility wi...
The new Epsv6-series and Epdsv6-series memory-optimized VMs offer up to 96 vCPUs and 672 GiB of RAM (up to 8:1 memory-to-vCPU ratio). These VMs are designed for memory-intensive workloads such as large databases, in-memory caching applications, and data analytics. The new virtual machi...
of the channel. The ID identifies the thread that generated the event. The description of the channel includes the name of the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) provider that generated the events. If the channel displays events from theConcurrency Visualizer SDK, the series name is also displayed...
pid$target:$1:free:entry { printf("%s: %x\n", probefunc, arg0); } Theustack()()action records a user stack trace to the directed buffer. Thearg1in thepid$target:$1:malloc:returnprobe is the address of the newly allocated space that returns by themalloc()()function. Thearg0in the...