The magic and beauty of the legendary Studio Ghibli films, captured in an extensive library of gorgeous art books, picture books and more. Get the latest manga & anime news! You’ll never miss a beat when you subscribe to our newsletter....
Initially announced in 2017, Japan’s renowned animation company, Studio Ghibli, finally opened its doors to the public in November 2022. The 200-hectare site of the 2005 World Expo has been transformed into “Ghibli Park,” an immersive wonderland based on the beloved films of Studio Ghibli....
One of Studio Ghibli's most beloved movies,Howl's Moving Castlewas adapted from the 1986 novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones. It tells the story of Sophie Hatter, a young woman cursed by the Witch of the Waste, who pursues the wizard Howl and his magical castle in order to find ...
(above) Two very insightful graphical maps of Studio Ghibli, the one on top with interesting trivia on the exterior of the studio and the one below the interior. Perhaps with some free time on my hands in the future I can translate the pages into English for my readers here. I’m such...
The new Studio Ghibli Film The Wind Rises has a trailer with English subtitles out. It looks about as good as everything else they produce. So, you know, really, really good. The Mary Sue just wrote a review of Orphan Black that is so on point I wish I’d written myself. They arg...
The story revolves around two teenagersShizukuandSeiji, who find out that they have been checking out the same books from the library. There may be Ghibli movies with more complex narratives and metaphors, but the simplicity of the story and its execution is what makes it stand out....
Studio Ghibli Anime World Order Podcast A podcast all about Japanese cartoons and comics as discussed by three self-proclaimed experts in the world of anime and manga! Plus anime news / reviews, coverage of classic anime, hentai / yaoi, and much, much more. Updated every week. We hope....
Many of these background art pieces can also be found in the respective Ghibli “Art Of” books for each film, but this catalog showcases them neatly under the collective architectural theme with additional notes and captions, and the print quality is also better than some of the art books ...
The restored buildings at the architectural museum give a good sense of what Tokyo looked like in the past. The Ghibli Studio was fascinating. We began our tour by watching a short film about mice who were sumo wrestlers. Every room in the museum featured a different kind of experience, ...
Studio Ghibli's Tales of Earthsea.Studio Ghibli Miyazaki’s son Goro took the helm for this loose adaptation of several books in Ursula K. LeGuin’s Earthsea series. LeGuin herself found the movie departed drastically from her works, and critics lambasted the finished product for being technically...