Define studio flat. studio flat synonyms, studio flat pronunciation, studio flat translation, English dictionary definition of studio flat. n a flat with one main room Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCo
Plato House Liverpool offers various types of studio apartments that are very spacious and comfortable. The apartment is fully furnished with a kitchenette and ensuite bathroom, from a desk to 100mb high-speed Wi-Fi. When you're not studying, you can head to the great public spaces to play...
【房型】 Shared Studio的一个床位 【价格】180磅per week (现在已经涨价到187.5磅per week了) 【出租时间】 5.19-9.8 适合来伦敦读十五周语言班的同学,限女生哦 【位置】公寓位于伦敦东一区,附近有Moorgate Station,Old Street Station,Liverpool Street Station三大地铁站,还有n个公交站,去伦敦的任何地方都很方便...
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