Hey, please read ALL the ad. So, welcome to what we think is a truly awesome apartment. It's located right in the middle of all the goings-on in Sports City and has fantastic golf course views. There are lots of epic restaurants and bars to walk too within a 5/10. The apartment ...
Financial District Apartments PRICE COMPARISON This apartment's rent is6.69%cheaperthan the median rent of$3,499for astudio apartment in Financial District, New York, NY. The median issolelybased on the area and the number of bedrooms. Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathro...
Bedford-Stuyvesant Apartments PRICE COMPARISON This apartment's rent is 5.40% more expensive than the median rent of $2,500 for a studio apartment in Bedford-Stuyvesant, New York, NY. The median is solely based on the area and the number of bedrooms. Listing-specific characteristics such ...