The Luis Barragán House and Studio, also called Casa Luis Barragán, is a seminal piece of architecture in Mexico City. The property, designed and lived in by the renowned Mexican architect, was completed in 1948 and serves as both a testament to Barragán’s signature style and a museum de...
Having a dedicated in-house team for digital visualization allows the studio to help clients understand the full impact of iterative design decisions on both functional and aesthetic levels. 建筑师 Leckie Studio Architecture + Design Inc. 项目年份 2021 厂家 Flexalighting, Liteline, Pure Edge, Uni...
A Lentil Design-新北50㎡温馨香气小宅案例 现代混搭风格休闲住宅设计案例 简约住宅TALISPACE 大秝设计案例 乘四设计-现代简约风住宅,舒适惬意的居家环境案例 怀特设计-现代时尚住宅案例 Apartment Redesigned to Improve Functionality案例 北欧工业风之家案例 璞沃空间设计-台湾现代住宅案例 房屋设计工作室设...
20.Here Design 现在站起来(图片来源:Here Design) · 成立于:2005年 · 员工人数:37 ·网址 Here Design 在整个2019年都很忙,项目包括为法夫阿姆斯酒店(Five Arms Hotel)打造品牌,以及在萨默塞特之家(Somerset House)举办的“站起来,现在就站起来”展览。 21. Studio Moross Parklife 2...
We are a multidisciplinary design studio offering Interior Design, as well as User Interface and Experience Design located in Joshua Tree, CA.
A multi-award winning British design and architecture studio - buildings, spaces, master-plans, objects and infrastructure.
MSc 2:设计和调研工作室 Design and Research Studio 第二学期MSc 2促进集体工作和独立思考,旨在将建筑定位到更广泛的社会、文化、政治和经济背景中。学生将面临两个挑战。首先,他们将进行彻底的城市研究,以了解该地区的历史、物流和动态。其次,学生需要将特定的城市条件及其复杂性,用综合的方法,扩展到欧洲城市中型项...
该项目同时获得 铜奖:住宅建筑设计/单一/家庭住宅 Bronze:Residential Architecture Design / Single/Family Dwelling 项目名称:折给故乡的千纸鹤.乡村住宅 Thousand paper cranes House 获奖者:冠著原造建筑科技(重庆)有限公司 GrandZ Build Architectural Office (Chongqing) Co., LTD 15 商业建筑设计/其他商业建筑 Com...
House near Konin / Studio GAB September 26, 2024 © Oni Studio + 13 Residential Architecture,Interior Design • Rosocha-Kolonia,Poland Architects:Studio GAB Area of this architecture projectArea:180m² Completion year of this architecture projectYear:2023 ...
Design Studio provides quality custom and stock house plans with an emphasis on your individual needs! With over 1,000 plans to choose from, we can cost-effectively modify one of our existing house plans or create a new custom design to create the home of your dreams. As a custom home bu...