School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies, and Concepts for Preventiondoi:10.1007/S40653-017-0143-2Caitlin R. GreenSpringer International Publishing
Due to the increased incidence of school shootings and reports of school bullying it becomes apparent that this book is both timely and very needed. What makes this book particularly interesting is its depth-oriented view into behavioral and systemic dynamics, rarely explored before in this context...
scapegoating Asia and Asian people for the COVID-19 outbreak," the letter said. "Such xenophobic language draws on centuries of racial stereotypes of Asian people as harbingers of disease and racist tropes as meek, subservient, and model minorities and, therefore, easy ...
and ecocide. The interview was conducted by Tali Nates, a member of the Advisory Board of EEHS (Eastern European Holocaust Studies), Bjorn Krondorfer, Steve A. Carr, and Andrea Pető editor-in-chief of EEHS.Link:
"This is a moment that's unprecedented in terms of national attention to Asian American issues and concerns, rising out of COVID and the attacks on Asian Americans and, of course, Atlanta (shootings)."Most Popular...15 cities named as new first-tier cities in 2024: report ...
Studies have demonstrated that light-skinned and dark-skinned blacks are treated differently on the job market. If we control for “level of schooling, high school performance, work experience, health status, self-esteem, age, marital status, number of dependents, workplace characteristics, and par...
On December 17, 2012, President Barack Obama addressed the nation at a memorial service for the 20 first grade children and the six school employees who were shot to death at a public school in Newtown, Connecticut. The president of the United States consoled the American public and made it...
(not helped by the fact that he’s not very good at code-switching into white “civilized” speech), he gets assigned a green public defender straight out of a bottom-tier law school, and there’s that time he got busted for throwing a rock at a cop car on a dare, and next thing...
I believe it to be a first line of defense against the school shootings that are happening throughout the US.” Comprehensive security integration services EPS specializes in custom solutions across fire detection, security, access control, and video surveillance Based in Canal Winchester, Ohio, EPS...
An Analysis of the Media's Coverage of the Columbine High School and Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings originating from the Denver Post, the Hartford Courant and the Chicago Tribune were used in the analysis, categorized by type, main point, length and tone of each article.Overall, several...