Yakima County studies four-day work weekDavid Lester
声音简介Work or Studies 工作或学习 Week2/Day4 口译背诵Do you like your job? Why or why not?I love my job. 我的工作不仅给我带来了乐趣和意义, but also it gives me a lot of flexibility. 最重要的是, 我喜欢与不同的人互动, so it's my pleasure to teach. ...
Work or Studies 工作或学习 Week2/Day5 口译背诵 What technology do you use at work? 我非常依赖我的笔记本电脑来工作. It's where I 写报告和课程计划. It's also essential for communicating with my colleagues in the office. I use it for 我的日常任务. ...
If your New Year’s resolution is already in the rearview mirror, you’re not alone:Research has shownthat about 30% of resolution-makers give up on their goal before they even reach the two-week mark. But just because you’ve already slacked on your new diet, exercise plan or organizat...
More Information: https://pewtrusts.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CenterExternal/job/Washington-DC-Pew-Research-Center/Managing-Director--US-Politics-and-Policy-Research--_R002724 Project Archivist Brandeis University, USA More Information: https://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?JobCode=178999864...
At startup you will see the current day. What’s New 2 Nov 2018 Version 5.4.1 - Add tasks without lesson - Minor Bugfixes Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate every message I get from you to improve this App! I work on this App in my spare time. The App is totally free...
Researchers found that people with antibodies from natural infections were “at much lower risk ... on the order of the same kind of protection you’d get from an effective vaccine,” of getting the virus again, said Dr. Ned Sharpless, director of the U.S. National Cancer In...
Amplify Streaming 224 views | 4 years ago updated Amy-Jill Levine and Holy Week Join Professor Amy-Jill Levine as she discusses various aspects of Holy Week. Amy-Jill Levine | 1973 views | 3 years ago updated And Know That You Are United Methodist Webinar Embark on an enlightening journe...
Public Lecture “Ubiquitous Media and Everyday Life" by Prof. Helen Grace Exhibition Design Workshop Posted on3 一月, 2014 Date: 14 Dec (Sat) – 16 Dec (Mon) Guest Speaker: Ian Alden Russell About Workshop Ever wonder what “curation" is or how “curators" make choices and design exhibi...
Work or Studies 工作或学习 Week2/Day1口译背诵 What subjects are you studying? 我主修商业管理, so I have to study a variety of subjects. Some of the main ones include 财务、市场营销、和金融. These subjects are essential to 理解商业概念. ...