studiedly 释义 故意的;有计划的;深思熟虑的;精通的 实用场景例句 全部 His eyes had become lazy again,studiedlyindifferent. 他的眼神早已又没精打彩了, 这是故意冷淡的表示. 辞典例句 She had sharp , knowing eyes that missed nothing and astudiedlystupid look on her face....
基本解释 adj.故意的;有学问的 动词study的过去式和过去分词. 同根派生 studiedly相关词 英汉例句 用作形容词 (adj.) She spoke with studied politeness.她故作有礼地讲话。 The bishop gave his hand quickly, made his little studied bow.主教连忙伸出手去,很矜持的欠了欠身。 studiedly更多例句上...
基本解释 adj.故意的;有學問的 動詞study的過去式和過去分詞. 同根派生 studiedly相关词 英汉例句 用作形容詞 (adj.) She spoke with studied politeness.她故作有禮地講話。 The bishop gave his hand quickly, made his little studied bow.主教連忙伸出手去,很矜持的欠了欠身。 studiedly更多例句上...
Cite this Entry Style “Studiedly.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 23 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post more words for studiedly to Facebook Facebook Share more words for studiedly on Twitter Twitter ...
studiedly 听听怎么读 是什么意思 释义 故意的;有计划的;深思熟虑的;精通的 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作形容词(adj.) She spoke with studied politeness. 她故作有礼地讲话。 The bishop gave his hand quickly, made his little studied bow. 主教连忙伸出手去,很矜持的欠了欠身。
Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Thesaurus,Idioms. stud·ied (stŭd′ēd) adj. 1.Resulting from deliberation and careful thought:a studied decision. 2.Lacking spontaneity; contrived:a studied smile. 3.Learned; knowledgeable. stud′ied·lyadv. ...
studiedly 的定义,请访问这里. 例句 'Allright,'hesaid,withstudiedcasualness. 资料来源: A. N. Wilson Theinvitationwassostudiedthatonefeltshehad..readitinabook. 资料来源: C. Hope 相关的图片 更多的单词
The meaning of STUDIED is carefully considered or prepared : thoughtful. How to use studied in a sentence.
将“ studiedly "自动翻译成 庫爾德語 lêkolîn kirin Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“studiedly"翻译成 庫爾德語 变形 干 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 最受欢迎的查询列表: 1K, ~2K, ~3K, ~4K, ~5K, ~5-10K, ~10-20K, ~20-50K, ...
studiedly副词 语法 en thoughtfully, knowledgeably, deliberately + 1定义 字典中的翻译 英文- 庫爾德語 bi xwendinî. xwendinkî 猜测的翻译 显示算法生成的翻译 例子 干 Advanced filtering Subcorpus Target language phrase 必须重新加载示例。重装 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。