The intake of students with autism is increasing in inclusive classrooms. Teacher preparedness in teaching these students is an essential requirement for effective education. Little is known about teachers’ current educational experiences underpinning their preparedness in teaching autistic students. This stu...
This particular designation incorporates students that may have intellectual or developmental disabilities such as severe forms of autism. In some cases (as occurred in 2014), ESY was used in my district as a way to offer summer school to students with special needs to make up credits if there...
The purpose of this article is to present a step-by-step process for using self-monitoring to support college students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to achieve a variety of goals. Self-monitoring can be used with no technology (e.g., pencil and paper, tangible...
Education Associate for Autism | South Carolina Department of Education I feel like when things happen with the Spurs the impact is times ten. It says something when you see a Spurs player engaging with technology or engaging with science. We had some really cool robotics. ...
Quiz & Worksheet Goals This quiz and worksheet will test you on the following: How to best describe the way in which sex and autism are related An aspect of autism that can make sex education difficult The type of language to use when talking to students with autism about sex The ...
Studies were included if they adhered to the following criteria: (a) they were empirical studies focused on students (regardless of their gender) with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. This also included students diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, or pervasive ...
For the context of a child in school, however, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) recognizes the following as being inclusive of students with disabilities: Intellectual disabilities, including Autism spectrum disorders Hearing impairments, including deafness ...
With the independent reading books, students with autism of all reading levels are able to access text that reinforces their interests and builds motivation to read. To expand upon the existing supports for students with specific learning disabilities, the System 44 Family Portal provides ample ...
What slope-intercept form-related activity might be especially challenging for a student with autism The types of learners that will master this equation if they're able to use their bodies and hands to learn Skills Practiced Information recall- access the knowledge you've gained regarding the slo...
“characteristics,” but choose to move away from diagnosis language to describe neurodivergence. Instead, we use the term “characteristics that participants associate with their neurodivergence.” We make this choice not to minimize the value of diagnoses and not as a critique for using the term...