Since students spend a significant amount of time in school, bridging the gap between teachers' and students' knowledge and attitudes toward mental illness is an essential part in enhancing the knowledge and attitudes of the students. In addition, knowledgeable teachers with positive attitude can ...
choudhury encourages this attitude, regularly likening himself to jesus christ and buddha. he often describes his yoga as the one true yoga, and all other yoga modalities as “shit.” presiding over the bikram “family” with patriarchal capriciousness, he alternates carrot and stick to keep ...
Harrison’s dominating attitude and rules, Rusty runs away to live with his friends. He starts living with his friends and becomes dependent on them for his routine needs. Rusty explores so much about India and the Indian culture as he begins to live away from Mr. Harrison. He loves this...
However, there is a significant lack of knowledge of PV and adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting among students in the healthcare field. Thus, this study is aimed to measure knowledge, attitude, and perceptions and compares it between healthcare students (i.e., medicine, dentistry, and ...