Beginning primary teachers have a range of subjectivities around physical activity that have been formed during years of experience in sport and physical education. They bring these to their initial teacher education courses and make sense of new knowledge in relation to their own prior and personal...
discrimination, physical boundary crossing, and violence. An overwhelming majority of respondents (92.9%) view homophobia and transphobia in sport as current issues. Additionally, 20% of respondents reported avoiding participation in sport due to concerns about their sexual orientation or gender identity,...
The results show that students get a classical vision about Physical Education classes that includes a form of amusement, practice, change in routine from all other school subjects; and the inclusion of other aspects related to health and learning of sport. The conclusion of this research showed ...
An explanatory model of the relationships between sport motivation, anxiety and physical and social self-concept in educational sciences students Article Open access 10 February 2022 Introduction In higher education, student-athletes represent a unique population facing distinct challenges and opportunities....
Sport programs helps students come to school with a positive attitude. according to Caribbean Community Secretariat, “ sport programs also helps students develop the competencies and beliefs necessary for incorporating regular physical activities into their lives.” This quotation reveals that not only ...
guidelines for comprehensive prevention and control of overweight and obesity in primary and secondary school students" was jointly issued by the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission, and the General Administration of Sport of ...
Confirming previous findings, self-compassion was a relevant construct in the sport context, predicting students' affect. These results suggest that interventions to improve self-compassion may be adaptive for athletes, and may improve their affect, probably leading to more optimal sp...
Do students with different motives for physical education respond differently to autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching? Psychology of Sport and ExerciseJournal2016,Psychology of Sport and Exercise JotieDe Meyer, ...LeenHaerens Main study
The recent investigation of physique of university students in China shows that the physical health of the university students is not optimistic.The paper discusses ways to improve the physical health of the university students. 关键词: sports lifestyle university student physical and psychological healt...
But it’s more than a feeling. Research shows that sport can “be a vehicle for well-being, tolerance” and “lessening the cultural divide”, as well as helping “form stronger societal bonds and boosting self-esteem for the younger generation.” ...