坐落于Jubilee中心的核心位置,Deakins Place是专为留学生设计建造的全新现代化诺丁汉留学生公寓,与Nottingham Two公寓为邻,构成了Student Roost的诺丁汉学生村。公寓对面就是公交车站,在诺丁汉租房选择这套公寓,出行十分方便。
为确保21年入学的同学预订无忧,英国各大公寓已推出相应疫情无责退订政策,这种政策比较适合于想提前预订公寓并且选择适合自己房型的同学,但是又担心因为疫情不能出国的同学。 Student Roost Student Roost 0押金预订政策,适用于以下公寓(9月30日之前): Apollo Court Buchanan View Corner House Myrtle Court Sheffield 3 ...
【Student Roost】公寓房态告急!!想要预订的小伙伴们,赶紧行动起来吧!📍诺丁汉·Nottingham Two 学生公寓✅诺丁汉大学(Jubilee校区)✅诺丁汉特伦特国际学院⚠️70%仅剩几间📍格拉斯哥·Gibson Street学生公寓✅格拉斯哥大学⚠️Studio 全部Sold Out📍考文垂·The Oaks学生公寓...
Find student accommodation close to universities across the UK from Student Roost, with excellent facilities, flexible tenancies and friendly staff.
坐落于Jubilee中心的核心位置,Deakins Place是专为留学生设计建造的全新现代化学生公寓,与Nottingham Two公寓为邻,构成了Student Roost的诺丁汉学生村。公寓对面就是公交车站,出行十分方便。 十大热门诺丁汉学生公寓推荐——Morriss House Morriss House学生公寓坐落于Derby路,位于Lenton学生社区中心,乘坐公交车约15分钟即可...
A wide range of amenities surrounds Student Roost York House, and it is conveniently located within a 3-minute walk of bars and restaurants and the Victoria Shopping Centre. Features York House Nottingham offers various room types, including Studio - Silver, Studio - Gold, Studio Bronze, Studio...
iQ Student Accommodation reserves the right to cancel your booking on notice if: you notify us after the Deadline that you have decided not to enter into the Tenancy Agreement; we take all reasonable steps to enter into the Tenancy Agreement before the Deadline and you fail to do so, for...
We’ve got what you need. LET’S START! Your Perfect Student Home - Within Your Budget Find your dream student home within your budget with world-class facilities Sheffield Leicester Nottingham Glasgow Liverpool Edinburgh 4 Cornerhouse Roost ...
Singapore’s GIC has formed a joint venture with Greystar to acquire UK student accommodation provider, Student Roost from Brookfield.
From en-suites and studios to communal lounges and social calendars, find your student room today with Student Roost. has rooms available to book near the University of Nottingham. Discover properties in Notttingham Find out more University of Nottingham Reputation The University of Nottingham ...