Students will be asked to provide their university offer or a screenshot of the university portal showing their name and enough information to confirm the student has completed the application process.↵↵For a small sample of students, Supplier might check with their university partners if they...
} 开发者ID:christian-rizza,项目名称:sis-portal,代码行数:64,代码来源:index.php 示例6: delete ▲点赞 1▼ publicstaticfunctiondelete($id){ session_start(); $headers = apache_request_headers(); $token = $headers['X-Auth-Token'];if(!$headers['X-Auth-Token']) { header('Invalid CSRF To...
喜欢 0 阅读量: 463 作者: IN Orleans 展开 摘要: Lions - LSU Clinics Building Second and Third Floors* School of Public Health Sixth Floor* School of Medicine Seventh Floor* Student Health Eighth and Ninth Floor* Neuroscience Center of Excellence 展开 收藏...