To help build early childhood mental health, an understanding of how young children comprehend and communicate about wellbeing (i.e., wellbeing literacy) i
So, I just want to be transparent about the fact that like, don’t go up to every nurse and be like, oh my God, you have no debt and you make a ton of money. Like, no, I was very strategic about the way that I got my education and I was always debt-averse. And so, I t...
We need to recruit a student in school English learning consultant, fluent Chinese is preferred, can help the student answers a language learning problem, assist in organizing activities in English, working 4 hours per week. Hope that interested parties can come to the interview and look forward...
it has been proved to have good reliability and validity in policewomen [18] and nursing students [19]. The CPSS was designed primarily for use in the general adult population and was not specifically designed to measure the stress levels reported by nursing students [20]. The CPSS remains, ...
Nurse Education Today, 24(2), 105–112. Article Google Scholar Grey, D. E. (2013). Doing research in the real world (3rd ed.). London: Sage. Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2013). Possibilities and challenges for TEL from a student ...
attention of his peers in the area. Similarly, if a school nurse must interview a student regarding his potential history of exposure to the coronavirus, conducting the interview in a separate, partitioned space or in an office may prevent others from overhearing the student’s personal ...
This news segment was not only the telling of Sarah’s story, but it was also about Oakland University honoring Sarah Collins Rudolph with an honorary nursing degree because she wasn’t able to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse. As I continued to watch this story, my mind started to ...
A method of analyzing interview transcripts in qualitative research Nurse Education Today (1991) P. Burnard Teaching the analysis of textual data: an experimental approach Nurse Education Today (1996) U.H. Graneheim et al. Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and me...
Interviewees can then answer each service user's questions as if they were together in the room, and these answers are recorded and played back to the service users. Using scoring sheets...doi:10.7748/LDP2012. O&aposBoyleDuggan...
I have no problem asking a nurse for advice because they know far more than I do. But I think there is still this this perception that medical students think themselves superior to nurses so the nurses, once they realised that wasn’t me, they were really willing to teach us and to ...