Use the student loan repayment calculator below to see how extra payments can reduce the total cost of your loan. If you'd like to repay your student loan sooner, the Discover student loan repayment calculator will help you determine how additional monthly payments can reduce the amount of ...
Use this Student Loan Repayment Calculator to calculate your student loan repayments and see a full breakdown of your payments over time. It also creates a printable amortization schedule for your loan
Looking to pay off your student loans faster? With our Student Loan Payoff Calculator, you can see how quickly you can be student debt-free! This calculator also serves as a student loan extra-payment calculator, so you can see how long it will take to pay off your student loans by ...
Using a student loan calculator can help you create a student loan repayment strategy that’s right for you. With some basic information about your existing or prospective student loans, the Bankrate student loan calculator can show your estimated monthly payment based on the length of your ...
Student Loan Calculator Use this student loan calculator to help you estimate how much you need to borrow in private student loans, and estimate your monthly loan payments. Student Loan Repayment Calculator See how extra payments may impact the total cost of your loan and help you pay off your...
Parent PLUS loan calculator: Find out how much you'll pay monthly on federal direct PLUS loans. Discretionary income calculator: Determine what you would pay under federal income-driven repayment plans. Weighted average interest rate calculator: Determine the combined interest rate on all your studen...
How our calculator works Our Student Loan Refinance Calculator can help you determine whether now it’s a good time to refinance your student loans. But first, you’ll need to gather some information to ensure you get the most accurate results, including: Your current student loan balance. ...
This is just a fancy word for the process of paying off your loans with a planned, incremental repayment schedule. An amortization table can help you estimate how long you'll be paying on your student loans, how much you'll pay toward the principal, and how much you'll pay just in int...
Understand student loans and borrowing Use the student loan repayment calculator How to apply for a student loan footnoteBorrow responsibly We encourage students and families to start with savings, grants, scholarships, and federal student loans to pay for college. Evaluate all anticipated monthly loan...
Student loan consolidation refers to the act of merging various student loans into one. This has the following advantages: It simplifies your loan repayment, as it provides you with a single monthly bill The Standard and Graduated plans can give you up to 30 years to repay, lowering your mont...