Student-Loan Office Seeking OmbudsmanIf you've got a beef with the federal government about your student loans, pretty soon you can...Billups, AndreaSignature
I had to call the lender and the Ombudsman to get my application submitted to the Dept of Education. The disbursement date of the Perkins loan did not affect the outcome. It was the person at the lender reviewing my application, who didn’t bother to open all the tabs in the NSLDS, ...
Before co-signing a loan, consider: Co-signing a loan is the same as taking full responsibility for the loan yourself. If the student is unable or unwilling to pay, ask yourself if you can cover the payments or pay off the balance without damaging your credit. ...
For example, a customer care or ombudsman office will not be able to help you if you feel that your monthly interest rate is too high, because you agreed to these terms when you accepted the loan. READ: Student Loan Promissory Note: 5 Things to Know Before You Sign. Organizations generall...
Lastly, don't be afraid to seek help from the Department of Education, the Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group, a financial advisor, or a bankruptcy attorney to better understand your personal situation. Your debt isn't an obstacle you have to overcome alone. Looking to hire a bankruptcy lawy...
If you have a forbearance shorter than mentioned above, contact thestudent loan ombudsmanto review your situation. This means if you put your loans into forbearance for three years during training, you could be eligible to receive three years of payment credit to taxable (20-25 years) and PSLF...
Log in to theStudentAidwebsite using your FSA ID to see which federal loans exist in your name, if any Contact your lender or loan servicer to ask Your lender or loan servicer can be a good starting point when you need help with student loans. They’ll know the details of your loans...
If there is an error, and Fedloan isn’t fixing it, I suggest you contact the Department of Education Ombudsman with all the supporting documentation. 0 Reply Katie 8 years ago Are state colleges included as part of the places you can work to receive loan forgiveness? 0 Reply Author...
My advice to you would be to get in touch with the Student Loan Ombudsman Group, which is a group of Government-backed attorneys who offer free advice on student loan related issues. Google their name for their contact info, and see what they think you should do. Please come back and ...
In other types of personal loans, those who owe the most are the most likely to default, for obvious reasons. But the opposite is true for student loans. "This suggests that borrowers who default are overwhelmingly noncompleters," said Rohit Chopra, the student loan ombudsman for the Consumer...