Find ways to spot a student loan scam Learn More Don't Get Scammed! Document preparation and debt relief companies may charge fees to consolidate loans, complete paperwork, lower your payment and provide loan forgiveness. Federal student loan servicers are available to assist you for FREE. Arm ...
TheIllinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation(IDFPR) and Attorney General Kwame Raoul have issued a critical warning about a scam that is exploiting student loan borrowers in our area. READ MORE: FEMA Center Opens to Bring Relief to Rockford Area Storm Victims According to apress ...
Scammers will say just about anything — in any language — to separate you from your hard-earned money. And when it comes to student loan forgiveness, they’ll target Spanish speakers with false promises of debt relief help. TheFTC just suedUSA Student Debt Relief (USASDR) for advertising...
"Scammers know borrowers are often vulnerable and desperate, so they target them with scams promising to relieve their hardship," RoboKiller said in apost. They likely know if you have considerable loan debt — they may have gained access to your credit report illegally, so they can pull num...
How to Avoid Student Loan Scams More Getty Images Be aware of scammers who are out to take your money. Managing student loan repayment can be complicated. If you're like most borrowers you many need help from an expert at some point, whether it's with navigating repayment plans, understand...
Scammers are trying to prey on some of the 44 million Americans who are set to start making their first payments in more than three years. More than 350,000 student-loan related robocalls have been placed in the last two weeks — roughly as many as in the nine prior weeks, Transaction ...
Student loan payment requirements have resumed. Here's what to know. Americans with student loan debt need to begin repaying their loans again after a hiatus of more than three years. Oct 1, 2023 Student loan forgiveness scams are surging: "Full discharge " of debt Scammers are seizin...
In the same month, I’ve received two student loan scam letters offering to provide me with “total student loan forgiveness,” reduce my interest rates, and make my monthly payments to $0. At first glance, the companies that sent these letters seemed legitimate. They knew exactly how much...
Finally, report the scam. You can report it to the FBI atic3.govand to the FTC You can also report student loan scams directly to the Federal Student Aid office All of this reporting helps with investigations and gives more accurate...
we read about in the news, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that scammers can get this information. If this scam was a little more convincing, it might have been very effective. People are desperate for student loan help, and many will act if there is even a chance it is legitimate....