Even if you have bad credit or no credit, it's still possible to get a student loan. Bankrate examined lender fees, APR ranges and eligibility requirements to see which lenders kept costs as low as possible for bad-credit borrowers.
These features let you use an internet-enabled computer, laptop or mobile device to check your account balances, deposit checks remotely, make payments and send money to other people. If you have a checking account and a savings account, you can link the two accounts through your bank and ...
With a strong plan in place, and going to college for a degree that realistically warrants the salary to quickly repay the loan,there are situations where borrowing makes sense as an investment in future income earning potential.But for most students where this does make sense, they don't hav...
It is effectively a loan from your bank that you have to pay back when you have the funds to do so. With a standard bank account, you’d usually pay interest on the amount you’ve borrowed via an overdraft, meaning that you’d have to pay back more than you actually took out. But...
A good credit score is essential when making many of the major life decisions you face after graduation, such as renting an apartment or applying for an auto loan. Opening a college student credit card is a smart way to start building credit early while taking advantage of rewards and special...
for you this fall, a new school year can put a lot of strain on your wallet. outfitting a study nook, purchasing a new laptop and buying books can quickly eat away at your savings. luckily, plenty of retailers offer student discounts, hoping to make loyal customers out of penny-pinching...
If you need help with costs beyond tuition and fees, you can apply for a maintenance loan. Our guide covers what you need to know to apply.
Buying two meals for the price of one at your local restaurant $200 off a new laptop at an electronics store Deals on flights and hotel accommodations Local businesses offering special rates Discounts on sporting events $5 museum ticket for students instead of $20 general admission ...
Electronic Deposits: Deposit your salary, tax refund and student loan instantly, instead of waiting for a check in the mail and going to the bank to deposit it. Online & Mobile Banking: Pay bills, track your purchases, transfer money, send or receive money and deposit checks without having ...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Friday signed a loan and technical assistance facility to Beijing-based China Water Environment Group to help restore water ecosystems and improve wastewater management in China's central and western provinces. Rising temperatures threaten stability of alpine grasslands Gl...