your average student loan interest rate will drop over time. Finding that bit of extra money to attack high-interest debt can save a lot of money in the long run.
10 Steps to Minimize Student Loan Debt View All 14 Slides Tags: FAFSA, financial aid, Department of Education, colleges, paying for college, paying for community college, education, students College Admissions: Get a Step Ahead! Get updates from U.S. News includi...
While there’s no magic wand you can wave to reduce your student loan debt overnight, there are steps you can take. Start tackling your debt today with these best practices: 1. Know what you owe To begin, you need a holistic view of what you owe. Often, the best way to figure this...
Student loan borrowers who are ready for aggressive debt elimination needn’t worry about prepayment penalties. The federal government does not impose any fees for early repayment of student loans. Furthermore, Congress has prohibited private student loan lenders from charging prepayment fees since 2008...
These benefits can make a significant difference in your financial journey and provide you with greater control over your student loan debt. However, it’s important to carefully consider your unique financial situation and the potential trade-offs before deciding to refinance your student loans. ...
Kelly Lambers, of Cincinnati, said the issue of student loan debt will be top of mind for her in the November election. The social media strategist said her debt of around $97,000 makes it hard for her to cover her basic expenses. ...
Is student loan debt the next economic bubble? For households that have a student heading to college next year, they will likely complete a FASFA form. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is the first step in qualifying for one of two main types of loans: Thesubsidized and unsubsid...
We assist student loan borrowers with the preparation and tracking of documents required by the DOE.
Undergraduate students in income-driven plans would have remaining debts forgiven after 15 years of monthly loan payments. This is five years sooner than the current plan. But graduate students would only have remaining debt forgiven after 30 years of monthly payments — which is five years...
Find some hidden shortcuts to debt elimination– Student loan “tips” almost always include adding a side hustle or living at home.These under-the-radar tips don’t get much attention, but they can make a huge difference. Follow refinance rates– Borrowers often refinance their loans more tha...