Student loan balances can have a significant impact on the economy because they prevent borrowers from moving forward with other financial plans like buying a home or a car. Student loan debt also hinders spending by limiting the amount of free cash in consumers' pockets. Learn about the differe...
The article looks at student loan debt as of May 2012. Topics discussed include the increasing amount of loan debt students have at graduation, how the depressed job market and high unemployment rates since the financial crisis of 2008 has made...
When comparing student loan debt to the Great Financial Crisis, it's important to remember thatmortgage-backed securities (MBS)based onsubprime mortgagesand the swaps derived from them are considered one of the main culprits of the collapse. A housing boom in the years that led up to the cra...
leaving Biden, who promised to fix the crisis on the campaign trail, with the choice to either continue Trump's policy or wipe out the debt altogether when he assumes office in January.
So is the student loan debt crisis a myth? Hardly. There may not be mountains of Ph.D-wielding junior professors with $100,000 in debt—just 2 percent of borrowers had that much in loans, the study found—but plenty of Americans are struggling with their education borrowing. ...
Student loan debt is a national crisis that affects millions of Americans. Though the Department of Education has led efforts to tackle this issue in recent years, rising education costs make it hard for many to afford college without loans. ...
"Before writing this article, I knew that the student loan debt crisis in the United States was crippling, but I didn't realize just how bad it has gotten throughout the last 10 years. It was shocking to learn that the country's total student loan debt hasincreased by more than 80% ...
Over 43 million people in the US are in student loan debt. Collectively, they owe a staggering total of $1.26 trillion. The average monthly payment on a student loan debt is $351 for borrowers between 20 and 30 years old. Infographic by Money Goody. ...
While these programs help individuals tackle their debt and better understand their finances, more needs to be done on the federal level to lower the overall cost of student loan debt. This research also shows that student loan repayment success corresponds directly to income; individuals living in...
Beneath the Student Loan Crisis, There’s an ROI CrisisThe reality is college doesn’t pay off for many graduates—and until we’re more transparent about that, the student loan crisis will be a recurrent one, Chris Keaveney writes.