Watch our film to find out how to apply for student finance! View Transcript There's extra help for students with a disability Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is extra support on top of your other student finance and can be used to pay for study-related costs such as equipment, non-...
The Student Finance England DSA can only be used to cover expenditure and equipment costs that arise as a direct consequence of the effects of a disability on your studies. It cannot be used to cover costs that will be incurred by all students, such as standard course textbooks, basic statio...
Student finance for mature students: Find out about funding you can access as a mature applicant, including loans, grants, scholarships and bursaries.
Finance and Tuition, News May 4, 2024 Mastering the FAFSA: the new application process explained Carla Daniela Mendez | Staff Writer During the shift from the spring semester to summer break, students face the recurring challenge of filling out the… Editorials, Opinion May 3, 2024 DeSantis...
If you are a UK student you may be eligible for funding from Student Finance, and we recommend applying for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) as soon as possible. Details for how to apply can be found here You can email...
LordBrowneaskedtolookatfindingasustainablewaytofinanceHigherEducation SetupbytheLabourGovernment ReportedtotheCoalition ChangestoTuitionFeesbutalsotothewaystudentsarefunded... Somenegativechangesbutalsomanypositiveones! TuitionFees Governmentannouncedthatuniversitieswillbeallowedtochargehigherfeesfrom2012 £6,000‘...