Alex Castro | Contributing Writer Decades worth of research and discoveries lead us toward a new era of space exploration technology. Aided by the leadership… Opinion, Student Thoughts October 15, 2023 Panther’s Market is a hit, but the prices aren’t. Ariana Rodriguez | Staff Writer With...
What is preventing widespread undersea exploration? The answer is the high cost of powering an underwater camera for a long time. MIT researchers have taken a big step to solve this problem. They developed a new underwater camera. The camera is about 100,000 times more energy-saving than ...
the first one was created with the Salem Maritime NHS. In 1966, all NHSs automatically joined the National Register of Historic Places. Today, famous American sites on this list abound from the East Coast to the West Coast, and even to Puerto Rico. How...
Project Remora is a smart water pollution tracking device that uses sensors to identify sources of water pollution, providing geo-tagged results that allow users to identify pollution sources using the concentration gradient. Project Remora was developed in the MIT App Inventor using Firebase, Realtime...
In recent years, the integration of technology into education has significantly transformed teaching methods, especially in science education. Tools like PhET simulations have proven highly effective in enhancing student engagement and comprehension. Res
The first practical activity, spanning two weeks, focused on reflecting on social problems such as discrimination, violence, unemployment, ageing, hunger, environmental pollution, and war, based on various sources of information (news, scientific articles, statistical reports, etc.). The second activit...
Further, the course instructor was able to (1) ensure the students were using the correct skills to reach an answer rather than guessing; and (2) support reinforcement of the visual literacy skills. It is important to note that group discussion was not utilized in the online section. All ...