Ask if they know where to find the student discount section. When you are in a store or restaurant and wondering if you may save money by asking the staff if you qualify for a discount, do just that. If you ask nicely, the staff should have no trouble telling you what choices you ...
He was an active student at the campus.The reason behind his suicde is unknown.However,some of his friends have alleged that she was disappointed as her attendance shortage, barred her from attending her final degree exam. While Calicut University stipulates at least 75 per cent of attendance, ...
Valentine’s Day gift : Chemmanur offers discount in making charge Change in the pattern of train services ‘Union Budget 2023 is a holistic foundation for India’-Prof.Debashis Chatterjee Earth likely to cross 1.5 degree warming in next decade: AI study predicts Biennale offers novel objecti...
I was satisfied with the GreyLine tours. The guide is Scottish, they have a student discount, and the price is lower than others as far as I know! The weather was excellent the last day. I looked around Edinburgh until the time for my train. ...