/ Consolidation Consolidate Your Student LoansSave Money, Avoid DefaultConsolidating student loans can help make what feels like a mountain of college debt much more manageable. The National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey reports that a majority of four year college graduates are carrying close to ...
Debt consolidation is a money management strategy that involves taking out a new loan to pay off existing debts. Student loan consolidation is often used interchangeably with student loan refinance, but when it comes to federal loans, the two mean very different things. Consolidating refers to comb...
Student Loan Debt Consolidation There are two main classes of student loans: federal loans and private loans. The consolidation options are different for the two. Until mid-2007, most people with student loans received numerous offers to consolidate their debts. Due to a change in Federal lender...
Alternatives to student debt consolidation If you determine that student debt consolidation is not the right fit for you, you may want to consider these other options: Student debt forgivenessprograms, where the balance of your loans may be forgiven when you enter the field such as teaching, the...
Find student loan debt forgiveness, relief or repayment programs that may reduce payments and total student debt
Credit Card Debt Solutions That Can Help How to Pay Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt Paying Off Your Holiday Credit Card Debt Prevent Identity Theft With a Credit Freeze Saving Money on Your Credit Card Bills Terminate Credit Card Debt Without Consolidation Tips on Credit Cards, Part...
U.S. college graduates bearing the burden of heavy student loan debt may have one path to a cleaner loan pay down - through debt consolidation.
A debt consolidation loan can help you get your debts into one place for easier payoff. And if you’re able to secure a lower effective interest rate, you can save money in the process.
Did you know that you can save money on your student loans by refinancing? We compared the best student loan refinancing and consolidation companies!
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