在店內使用應用程式中的 Student Beans iD 兌換折扣,或是線上購物時使用我們的網站或應用程式,取得您的折扣代碼。 在品牌的網站儲存 您甚至可以在您最愛的品牌網站同樣找到學生省錢優惠。許多線上商店都已與我們整合,直接在商店網站提供 Student Beans iD,讓兌換折扣更簡單快速。 成為合作品牌 我們幫助品牌觸及在 ...
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感谢您注册 Student Beans。 要激活您的免费数字学生卡并解锁数百种学生折扣,只需单击下面的链接完成验证过程。 激活您的Student Bean iD 验证成功 点击跳转后的网页,右上角头像,查看我的ID,会出现下图验证成功提示。 常见问题 为什么我的学生iD很快过期? 与我们建立帐户后,您的学生身份将自动持续一年。 只要您仍然...
BeansiD Discounts Need Help? Support FAQs 4.8 32.6K ratings 4.8 15.3K ratings Where to find us Student Beans is operated by The Beans Group. Registered in England and Wales under company number 5486885. Registered office 1 Vincent Square, London, SW1 2PN. ...
Student Beans是一个专注于为海外学生提供专属折扣和优惠的在线平台,其服务覆盖娱乐、旅行、餐饮、电子产品等多个领域。用户通过官网
IN-STORE - All you need to do when you get to the cashier's desk is flash your digital student iD on your phone and you'll get the discount applied in-store, at the restaurant or for any other kind of service. The Student Beans iD proves your student status, so you won't need ...
student beans安卓版是一个专门针对学生的购物平台,内置健康美容、时尚、手机数码、运动户外等专区,还有专属的学生折扣,例如FARFETCH和Apple的九折学生优惠! Student Beans中国版简介 节省更多的钱 所有大学学生都有折扣?是的,谢谢。使用你的Student Beans iD获得免费的折扣代码、食品折扣和你喜欢的品牌的购物优惠--所有...
StudentBeans Have a Student Beans account? You can use it to access student offers too! You + school + Galaxy = goals Dual screen on the go or at school Mirror the screen of your Galaxy Tab S1 2 3to review slides with classmates, extend with ease or edit a document while browsing on...
Bag a 10% discount on 1000s of products when you become an Advantage Card member SIGN UP NOW ALREADY A MEMBER? T&Cs apply Pop into store & head to the till to link your Boots Advantage Card with your valid Student ID to activate your membership. UNiDAYs, Student Beans or TOTUM IDs, bo...
IN-STORE - All you need to do when you get to the cashier's desk is flash your digital student iD on your phone and you'll get the discount applied in-store, at the restaurant or for any other kind of service. The Student Beans iD proves your student status, so you won't need ...