Remember to check whether the school you’re applying to has any professional guidelines or preferred bibliographic style (MLA, APA or Chicago) that they want to see in your application. Here’s a sample of a publication in Chicago: Kessling, F, Beters, G, Mainor P. “A Pilot Survey to...
why it appears, a journalist HAS TO, MUST research the prevailing conditions or causes of a news and be able to extract, show and explain the real background and the hidden reasons for instance…
APA Style Novita, S., Wijayanti, P. A. K., & Wedyaswari, M. (2023). Teacher Perception of Student Reading Competence and Its Relationship to Teaching Practice: A Comparison between Pre and during Pandemic Teaching in INDONESIA.Education Sciences,13(1), 45.
APA Style Wang, X., & Wang, A. (2022). A Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Model Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Factors, Student Factors, and Facility Conditions on Students’ Cognitive Scores in Rural China. Sustainability, 14(13), 7738. Note that fro...