School readiness data were composed of standardized achievement test scores and teacher reports of kindergarten readiness. EF was measured via parent and teacher reports along with standardized measures of EF, including the Head–Toes–Knees–Shoulders task and 4 standardized subtests from the Automated...
Although CPC was a mandatory course, the EUFM Education Commission and Assessment Committee decided not to conduct any assessment method to measure academic achievement in the very first year of implementation. An evaluation report was prepared based on students’ feedback and shared with the ...
2.3. Data Collection Method To analyze students’ needs, an open question was posed in week 15 of the 2020 research methodology course through the University Learning Management System (LMS): “To improve students’ competencies in EBP through theory, on-campus practicums or clinical practicums, ...
The Great Achievement at the 2018 Biomimicry Global Design Challenge. 2018. Available online: http: // (accessed on 30 November 2022). 18. Zari, P.M. Ecosystem processes for biomimetic architectural and urban design. Archit. Sci. Rev. 2015...