De Montfort University Lincoln College Sheffield Hallam University University of Leicester University of Nottingham University of SheffieldiQ 学生公寓 Footer 工作机会 合作事宜 联系我们 Footer Social Instagram Facebook Twitter 微博 Red Tiktok 所在城市 显示更多 班戈 巴斯 伯明翰 布拉德福德 布莱顿 ...
学生人数超过32000人,另外在马来西亚和中国的国际校园中,还有1万多名学生就读。 Nearby Cities & Universities Cities 大学 Coventry Leicester Lincoln Nottingham Sheffield 让我们保持联系! 加入通知列表,随时了解iQ最新优惠与咨询。 名 姓 电子邮件 加入 我已阅读并同意隐私政策. *...
Book your Nottingham accommodation at Nottingham Two. Our expert booking team will help you find the ideal room for you.
Steelworks | 谢菲尔德 Sheffield | 学生公寓 Student Accommodation HomesForStudents 11 0 The Place | 諾丁漢 Nottingham | 学生公寓 Student Accommodation HomesForStudents 24 0 Limelight | 利物浦 Liverpool | 学生公寓 Student Accommodation [普通话导览 Mandarin Tour] HomesForStudents 55 0 Arcadian | 諾丁...
Broadgate Park is home to over 2,000 new and current year University of Nottingham students, with over forty blocks over three locations throughout the city.
Unite Students is one of the most popular university accommodation providers in Nottingham, so be aware that accommodation sells out quickly. It’s a good idea to get your application in sooner rather than later to get the room you want. Book now to lock in the price. Can I book ...
Why choose private student accommodation? Because these student homes have been designed keeping in mind your student needs and preference by reliable and trusted student accommodation providers. With the hassle of finding rooms at university halls, the PBSAs have simplified the lives of the students...
Tetris Apartments are purpose built apartments situated in Semenyih, Selangor created for off-campus accommodation for Malaysia's Nottingham University students
Our student accommodation search engine is dedicated to finding high-quality student halls, en suite rooms, studios and more for amazing prices. Browse.
Nottingham Homes for Student has a fantastic selection ofstudent accommodation in Nottinghamclose to the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham College and Nottingham Language Academy. Nottingham is a city full to the brim with rich history and culture whilst also offering moder...