ButyourUncleCrenshawsaysthateveryLittlestarts康夏叔叔说李家人 talkingbyninemonths. 都是九个月大就会说话了 InUncleCrenshaw’scase,neverstops. 康夏叔叔就从此唸个不停 Areyoubothcomingtothegame? 你们要来看球吗? 台词正文3 Wouldn’tmissit. 当然会了 ...
But your Uncle Crenshaw says that every Little starts 康夏叔叔说李家人 talking by nine months. 都是九个月大就会说话了 In Uncle Crenshaw's case, never stops. 康夏叔叔就从此唸个不停 Are you both coming to the game? 你们要来看球吗? Wouldn't miss it. 当然会了 Frederick... 爸爸... .....
a process that'll leave very little alive in its wake. The game's main challenge at this stage is to learn its patterns and get into its rhythm, so that you're always at the correct
You start to bargain with yourself, after a little while."That one didn't count, I got killed stupidly on Mission 1 so it was just a practice", you say. Then it's"Well, Iwasgoing to stop at 10 o'clock, but now it's five past and I've missed the start of the programme I wa...
stuart小弟little精灵台词newfriend 精灵鼠小弟2(StuartLittle2)2002 George,wakeup. It’sSaturday. Iknow,butit’sthefirstdayofsoccer.It’sourfirstgame. Soccer? Ican’ttoday.Icaughtacoldwhilesleeping. You’llbefine. Comeon,comeon,it’llbegreat. We’regoingtoplaylikeBrazilians. -Hereyougo.-Thanks,Mom...