(1)STU-2010电量仪集成了微型控制电脑、液晶显示屏、操作按钮以及开关电源,可以单独完成测量,显示、自校准、设定等操作。 (2)具备体积小、功能多、精度高等特点,可以用在多种交流用电场合下的测量、计量以及远程集中抄表、监控管理。 (3)STU-2010电量仪接线灵活方便,可与高压系统、低压系统、三相三线、三相四线等...
stu2010/m3u master 2Branches 0Tags Code This branch is76 commits behindyuanxin69/m3u:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit yuanxin69 2017022205 Feb 22, 2017 adcf557·Feb 22, 2017 History 426 Commits...
一.下载VS2010 首先我们需要下载VS2010,大家可以在网上下载VS2010破解正式版,建议选择英文版,养成使用英文工具的习惯。小哥使用VS2010旗舰试用版VS2010UltimTrial.iso为例介绍安装过程,旗舰试用版官方下载地址为:http://doc.wendoc.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=12187。正式版的安装过程与试用版类似...
一个基于 MVVM 和 MVC 设计模式的基本项目框架,项目用到的各种类,各种封装,各种三方库的综合项目,欢迎大家使用! - - 5.1.17、新增最贴心的正则表达式封装:车型和车牌号验证、昵称、姓名验证、使用常用的两种正则判断方法! · stu2010/BABaseProject@76405c5
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Software used: Visual Studio2010 Pro Procedure to create a Setup file: Open an existing Windows form project solution to create a setup file. Right-click on solution and in the context menu click Add, then New Project. After that you can see a new project window, in that right side you...
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I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with OpenCV 2.2 and I am trying to use the function CvAcc(img1,img2) that takes 2 images and sum them. The Code is #include <opencv/cv.h> #include<opencv/cvaux.h> #include<opencv/highgui.h> #include<opencv/cxcore.h> #in...
To apply this update, you must have Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 installed. Restart requirement You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this update. However, you must restart Internet Information...
To apply this update, you must have Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 installed. Restart requirement You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this update. However, you must restart Internet Information...