example set uart speed: stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed115200cs8 -parenb -cstopb -echo解释:通过stty设置/dev/ttyS0串口, 波特率为115200 ,数据位cs8,奇偶校验位-parenb,停止位-cstopb,同时-echo禁止终端回显。
$COMMAND_LINE elif["$(whereis rlwrap)"=="rlwrap:"];then stty erase ^H $COMMAND_LINE else rlwrap -f jdb.rlwrap $COMMAND_LINE fi 转自:http://codingstandards.iteye.com/blog/826924 附:Linux终端常用快捷键: Ctrl + d 删除一个字符,相当于通常的Delete键(命令行若无任何字符,则相当于exit;处理...
$COMMAND_LINE else rlwrap -f jdb.rlwrap $COMMAND_LINE fi 问题思考 相关资料 【1】江枫渔火愁对面 使用stty 修改终端设置 【2】飞诺网 stty 使用 【3】Linux 宝库 STTY 使用方法 【4】英文资料 Linux 解密 The TTY demystified 返回 我使用过的Linux 命令系列总目录...
COMMAND_LINE="java -Xmx640m -classpath .:lib/hyjc.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar:lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:lib/proxool-0.9.0RC3.jar:lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar:lib/poi-3.5-ZHY-20091107.jar:lib/jdom-1.1.jar hyjc.sql.DBCLI MhrDB.properties MhrDB" if [ "$CONSOLE_INPUT" ...
12test1.sh: line 10: SAVEDSTTY=stty -g: command not foundtest1.sh: line 11: stty: command not foundtest1.sh: line 12: stty: command not foundtest1.sh: line 14: stty: command not foundtest1.sh: line 15: stty: command not foundtest1.sh: line 16: stty: command not found3...
. In fact, I've seen ncurses specifically patched on Linux distros to remap thoses keys in terminfo, whereas ncurses on FreeBSD is unpatched, causing some of the annoying confusion causing backspace to not work. No keystroke sends SIGCONT, it is the signal sent by whatever command in your...
command(1) comp_err(1) compare(1) composite(1) compress(1) config.guess(1) config.sub(1) config_data(1) conflict(1) conjure(1) constype(1) continue(1) convert(1) convmv(1) corelist(1) cp(1) cp(1g) cpack(1) cpan(1) cpan2dist(1) cpanp(1) cpio(1) cpp(1) cpp(1) cpu...
That makes sense. Unless there is a way to stop the probing from a command line option. Via stty intr ^g you are telling the tty driver to generate SIGINT the moment BEL is seen flowing from terminal to app. Thus, when initializing run0 will trigger a SIGINT almost immediately. Hence,...
command(1) comp_err(1) compare(1) composite(1) compress(1) config.guess(1) config.sub(1) config_data(1) conflict(1) conjure(1) constype(1) continue(1) convert(1) convmv(1) corelist(1) cp(1) cp(1g) cpack(1) cpan(1) cpan2dist(1) cpanp(1) cpio(1) cpp(1) cpp(1) cpu...
[minor - and this may be a shell issue] deleting invisible characters on the command line cause the cursor backspaces beyond the beginning of the line. This will likely remain, as the tty driver can't make assumptions about what might be displayed or not on the [remote, serial, network...