Styf J,Kormer LSuurkula M.Intramuscular pressure and muscle blood flow during exercise in chronic compartment syndrome.J Bone Joint Surg 1987;69B(2):301-5 白跃宏;孙天胜;欧阳欣;等.;骨筋膜间隔综合征所致慢性腰痛的诊断与治疗[J] Styf更多例句上...
(57)< Abstract > < Constitution > In the part where hydraulic pipe arrangement concentrates fuel transfer pipe 6 jointBeing ru the installation device of hydraulic pipe arrangement because of the se, this installation deviceEnlarging diameter doing oilway 16 from halfway, the storage section 17 whi...
Styf J,Kormer LSuurkula M.Intramuscular pressure and muscle blood flow during exercise in chronic compartment syndrome.J Bone Joint Surg 1987;69B(2):301-5 白躍宏;孫天勝;歐陽訢;等.;骨筋膜間隔綜郃征所致慢性腰痛的診斷與治療[J] Styf更多例句上...