Data was taken from medical and surgical records of patients consulted to the plastic surgery division with and acquired abdominal defect. We are reporting, Male, 42 yo, previous history of Perforated appendicitis with general peritonitis. We performed 2 stage reconstruction of abdominal wall for ...
Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryCompared to coverage by STSG grafts only reconstruction by the dermal substitute Integra plus STSG increases TcPO2 values in diabetic feet at 3 and 6 months after reconstruction. Papa G,Spazzapan L,Pangos M, et al. Gefasschirurgie . 2014...
Department of Plastic SurgerySyuuji ShimazakiDepartment of Plastic SurgeryWound Repair and RegenerationYasushi, F, Koichi, U, Yuka, O (2004) 026 treatment with autologous cultured dermal substitutes (CDS) for burn scar contracture in children. Wound Repair Regen. 12: pp. A11Yoshihiro, T, Hide...
G. B, "Comparison of the effect of a collagen dressing and a polyurethane dressing on the healing of split thickness skin graft donor sites", Scandinavian Journal of plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery, 1998 Dec,32(4),407-413....