Commander Steven Lindsey piloted Discovery and his five STS-133 crew mates to an arrival at 10:57:17 a.m. CST (1657 GMT) on Runway 15 at the Kennedy Space Center's (KSC) Shuttle Landing Facility in Florida. Photo Gallery:Discovery lands for a final time Credit: / Rober...
来自美国宇航局.(Helicopters with medical personnel arrive at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA"s Kennedy Space Center in Florida before space shuttle Discovery"s landing. Original from NASA.) 发现号从发射台起飞39美国宇航局位于佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心开始了最后一次飞行, STS-133 使命, 国际空间站...
9 1128 11月28日 1983 STS-9 哥伦比亚号 6 10d 07h 爱德华 First Spacelab mission 10 0203 2月3日 1984 STS-41-B 挑战者号 5 07d 23h 肯尼迪 Comsat launches, first untethered spacewalk by Bruce McCandless II with Manned Maneuvering Unit; first landing at KSC; dry run of equipment for...
Landing Time12/12/2000, 7:04:00 AM View Launches Wiki Crew Brent W. Jett Jr. Commander NationalityAmerican Date Of Birth1958-10-05 StatusRetired TypeGovernment infoMore Info shareShare Michael J. Bloomfield Pilot NationalityAmerican Date Of Birth1959-03-16 ...
GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1.1 OVERVIEW 1.1-1 Space Shuttle Requirements 1.1-1 Nominal Mission Profile 1.1-2 Launch and Landing Sites 1.1-5 Orbiter Ground Turnaround 1.1-6 Space Shuttle Coordinate Reference System 1.1-7 Location Codes 1.1-8 1.2 ORBITER STRUCTURE 1.2-1 Forward Fuselage 1.2-1 Crew ...
Current Status Updates Wednesday Night, 20-Jul-2011 Weather is looking good for the planned landing time of 5:56a ET (9:56 GMT, 2:56a Pacific) Thursday at the Kennedy Space Center. De-orbit scheduled for 4:49a ET with re-entry at 5:25am ET. ...
She was let go after only a season on SNL, and then went on to work steadily in both film and television before landing a co-starring role on the sitcom "Trophy Wife." Michaela Watkins was born in Syracuse, NY and raised in the tony Boston suburb of Wellesley, MA. After graduating ...
It was not long before Salmon was landing roles of prominence. He joined the final season of the popular dramedy series "Shine on, Harvey Moon!" (ITV 1982-1995) as Noah Harker, a friend of the titular character. Not long after, Salmon incepted his recurring position as Chief of Staff ...
来自美国宇航局.(Space shuttle Discovery is towed into position at the mate-demate device, at the Shuttle Landing Facility, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Original from NASA .) 在发现号航天飞机发射之前,X波段雷达阵列安装在固体火箭助推器回收船“自由号”上. 来自美国宇航局.(The X-...