8月16日,亚特兰蒂斯号STS-112的第一台SSME发动机被安装在轨道飞行器的后部。图示为在VAB 4号舱中的哥伦比亚号,等待12月的STS 107任务。图示为等待OMPD维护的发现号,维护工作预计在夏末开始。 9月3日,亚特兰蒂斯号STS-112从OPF 2转移到VAB,准备在1号舱中与推进堆栈SRB-ET进行组装。亚特兰蒂斯号的发射目前定于1...
Cabana继任3年,此前的主任分别是Gibson(2年)、Brandenstein(5年半)、Young(13年)和Shepard(10年)。 美国空军决定今年将卡纳维拉尔角发射基地的发射台从“发射复合体”(Launch Complex)更名为“太空发射复合体”(Space Launch Complex),以与范登堡空军基地自1966年以来使用的命名方式一致。唯有39号发射台保持原有名...
因适应问题取消首次EVA 6 0404 4月4日 1983 STS-6 挑战者号 4 05d 00h 爱德华 TDRS launch; first flight of 挑战者号; first space shuttle extra-vehicular activity 7 0618 6月18日 1983 STS-7 挑战者号 5 06d 02h 爱德华 First US woman in space Sally Ride; Multiple comsat launches; Fi...
The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia - sts4/vscode-extensions/
ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, of Italian nationality, was today assigned to the crew of the Space Shuttle flight which in summer 2007 will launch Node 2, an Italian-built U.S. connecting module, to the International Space Station. For his first space flight, Nespoli will serve as mission spec...
"launch_param.h" ] }, "name": "//foundation/ability/ability_runtime/interfaces/inner_api/ability_manager:ability_manager" }, { "header": { "header_base": "//foundation/ability/ability_runtime/interfaces/kits/native/ability/ability_runtime", "header_files": [ "ability_contex...
There's one obvious choice for the best Switch adventure game, and fortunately for all of us, that game was a launch title. There is absolutely no denying that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the best adventure game on Nintendo Switch. This is the game that made buying a ...
Japan's desire for World Cup glory leads the Japanese Football Association to launch a new program. 8 79 votes Bleach View on AMAZON Bleach Nintendo Home Consoles series is a series of fighting games based on the anime and manga Bleach and published by Sega. Three games were released, one ...
learns that spirits have taken an interest in his son, the men launch a rogue ghost-chasing mission. the quest quickly goes awry, landing them in court. but when the ghosts turn on the judge, he issues an order allowing the ghostbusters to get back to work. released : 1989 directed by...